Project Objective

To identify and disrupt commuting patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area.



Juwon Kang, Jasmine Lee, Rong (Rita) Li, Tzu-Chien Lin, Rain Qiu, Gonzalo Sanchidrián, Russie Sanders, Michael Scroggins, Wuqiong Shang, Maria Villanueva, Joseph Yan, Yan Yan, Qin (William) Zhang, Yiling Zhang, Nanxin (Peter) Zhao, Qi (Mars) Zheng, and Allen Zhou worked together to complete this project. Individual contributions are noted in the final report.


Research and Ideation

Two rounds of research:

  • Interviews
  • Observations

After distilling the information, politeness became on obvious theme of every interaction.

The design focus became disrupting commute serenity.

Three rounds of ideation:

  • Concept sketches
  • Storyboards
  • Mockups


Final Result

The results of research and ideation were compiled into one final report. Each person's name is listed next to a section he or she contributed to.